Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monthly Goals: December

Made it through November -- though I certainly had some days that were incredibly trying on a personal level -- but I made it through. (If you're wondering what this is all about, it's called the Monthly Goal Meetup. It is spearheaded by the Modish Biz Tips blog as a way for small creative business owners to stay focused and offer each other moral support and encouragement.)

Here's how I did:
  • Print winter holiday cards. Photograph them. Get them listed on Etsy. Send out email announcing their existence (by November 10th!). Done. I had to reprint one of my designs due to a design brainfart on my part, but I did get them done and announced/listed on the 12th.

  • Finish up shipments to Bluebottle, Wholly Craft, etc. and get them out the door by the 15th. Also done. Out the door on the 18th, and one order already generated a re-order. Yay!

  • Finish printing 2010 Valentines cards and photograph them. If they don't make it into my shipments, that's okay, although it would be awesome if they did. Still have to photograph them, but they did make it into my shipments, so that makes up for it.

  • Blog at least once a week (not counting monthly goals post). Nope. Posted twice. Thought about posting a lot, but didn't. Story of my life.

  • Spend more quality time, less time total, on the computer/internet. Somewhat successful. Focused on not ending up in front of the computer in the evenings unless I had a specific task, and that worked. Spent a little more quality time with A and the animals.

  • Figure out what I'm doing with painting versus paper goods. Launching a separate wedding invitation shop/webpage/company? Integrating it more into my overall studio umbrella and focusing more on painting as my 'main' thing? Paper goods will be splitting off from Carly Bodnar Studio to become Phaedra Paperie. The webpage is partially built, and I've set up an Etsy and a Gmail account... but how serious I get about it is currently in limbo pending changes at my day job. Ah, the artist and the day job. The eternal struggle.

  • Finish HSC commissioned painting. Eh... definitely did some work on it. But it's definitely not done. Damnit.

  • List recent drawings and works on paper on Etsy. I still have more I could list, but I got all of the ones I've posted on Gloriously Awash in Sin listed on Etsy. That was the essence of that goal, so I'm calling it a win.

Now on to December's goals:
  • Finish HSC painting!

  • Continue not wasting my life away in front of the computer.

  • There are a couple of local galleries whose submission period is during January, so I need to get my packet ready to go. I always 'mean' to submit, but let my procrastination/fear/anxiety get the best of me. Not this year. (Oh please, oh please.)

  • I have a stack of artist registry forms. Once I've got packets together for galleries, it's not much more work to submit to some artist registries. My official goal will be getting 6 of the 8 I've printed out actually sent.

  • I promised some people prints of my work forever ago and never followed through. Get those ordered/sent so they'll get them in time for Christmas.

  • I'm going to be teaching a class (through Paper Zone) on screenprinting wedding invitations in January after the Portland Bridal Show, so I need to fully outline the class syllabus and handouts. I can finish them in early January, but the hard work will need to be done before the last minute.

  • Photograph Valentine cards. Prepare publicity email(s).

  • Create mural proposal or OSU Engineering department. (Not sure this is going to happen; it will definitely have to take a backseat to the HSC painting.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holiday Cards are here!

A few days ago I finished printing my holiday cards; they're currently arriving at select stores around the country! And of course, they're also available on my Etsy storefront.

I also want to share with you another little project I've been working on. My friend 'Casey' is in New York getting his MFA in writing at Columbia -- we had talked about doing some sort of art & writing collaborative project, but it wasn't until he swapped coasts that we actually got around to it.
The result is Gloriously Awash in Sin. The basic premise is that we each respond to the other's postings in our own art form, a vehicle to keep the creative juices flowing. We have declined to state any particular limitations, and have agreed that our pieces need not be polished (because we are both the type that can go back and edit endlessly). Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Portland State Recent Grad Show

A painting of mine was chosen by guest curator James Yood for this upcoming show of alumni work in PSU's Autzen Gallery. The show opens this Thursday, with an opening reception on Saturday from 6 to 9 pm. Yood also is giving a lecture on Monday the 16th in Shattuck Hall (Rm 198) at 7:30 as part of the Monday Night Lecture Series.

Judging by his curator's statement, Yood seems pretty cool. Straightforward about art rather than pretentious and uber-conceptual (my perception of what many artists bound up in the academic world seem to be -- I likely just need to meet more people in that category). I'm going to try to make it to the lecture and see if that impression pans out.

Monthly Goals: November

Here goes an attempt at sticking with it and staying focused, prompted by the Monthly Goal Meetup on the Modish Biz Tips blog.
  • Print winter holiday cards. Photograph them. Get them listed on Etsy. Send out email announcing their existence (by November 10th!).

  • Finish up shipments to Bluebottle, Wholly Craft, etc. and get them out the door by the 15th.

  • Finish printing 2010 Valentines cards and photograph them. If they don't make it into my shipments, that's okay, although it would be awesome if they did.

  • Blog at least once a week (not counting monthly goals post).

  • Spend more quality time, less time total, on the computer/internet.

  • Figure out what I'm doing with painting versus paper goods. Launching a separate wedding invitation shop/webpage/company? Integrating it more into my overall studio umbrella and focusing more on painting as my 'main' thing?

  • Finish HSC commissioned painting.

  • List recent drawings and works on paper on Etsy.

Well, it's pretty clear that I'm the type to start many things and never finish them. Nothing on that list involves starting anything, except maybe the first one, which will begin tomorrow.