I just started a painting from a dream. I've only ever painted from a dream one other time, and this is different. Last time (7 years ago?) I was trying to paint a scene from my dream. But this is actually a painting I was working on in the dream. I'm hoping that this goes better than last time, not only because I committed to a 4x4 ft panel on it, but because...
...I'm having a show in February! And I'd like it to be all new work. So I'm hoping to channel most of my efforts into actual productive work as much as possible. Ha! Anyway, the show will be at
Seven Virtues Coffee House in NE. I don't know much more, but if you would like an invite, I'll be happy to send one. Just send your email or mailing address to carly.bodnar@gmail.com and I'll add you to my list.

I also have a couple of collaborations coming up that are quite exciting. One is with and artist-friend, and the other with a writer-friend. Very much looking forward to both.
And before I go, I'll leave you with a shot of one of my new cards. Soon, it'll be for sale, but I'm just a little too lazy for that at the moment.